Posts in Luke
Become all you're meant to (Wk 3: You Need Allies) - Vince Brackett

All of our favorite characters on journeys of higher purpose find a band of allies along their way — the people who encourage, support, celebrate, guide, and shape them. Likewise, if you want to live a life beyond the small and ordinary you need allies. Vince passes on some wisdom for filling out your band of allies, and zooms in especially on what to do when we experience loneliness.

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Prayer as Kindness to Self - Vince Brackett

Most of us spend a lot of time being self-critical or self-punishing, and that sucks! Vince shares about his number one self-kindness practice over the last 5 months: contemplative prayer, how that helps him “get out from under the waterfall” of his endless thoughts, feelings, and experiences, and how the simple words “of course” can revolutionize your prayer life.

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Gratitude, Entitlement, & Religious Privilege - Vince Brackett

Entitlement is in us all. Gratitude is too, and that is so much more joyful and wonderful to live out of, but why does it feel like entitlement is the default for so many of us? According to Jesus in Luke 17, privilege may have something to do with it. At this church, we take that idea super seriously -- especially when it comes to religious privilege.

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How to helpfully respond to suffering - Vince Brackett

Overly-simplistic or overly-certain interpretations of why some headline tragedy or horror occurred hurt people. In Luke 13, Jesus responds to two tragic headlines of his day with humanity and with solidarity shown to those most affected by the suffering. Vince unpacks what we can learn from Jesus here both in terms of how we respond to others’ suffering, and how we respond to our own suffering.

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