kids Church

On Sundays, children are with adults for our times of music and prayer, and then during our messages pre-schoolers and elementary ages can join their peers and a team of volunteers for our 30 to 45 minutes Kids Church space.


A separate theater is set up every Sunday for our nursery, which also includes a simulcast of our service.


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About BLC Kids Church

In terms of curriculum at BLC, we are uncomfortable with much of the “out of the box” kids materials produced by American churches, so we compile our own plans from multiple sources as we can find things that align with our values.

Every month or so we have a new theme from the teachings of Jesus or from the Jesus tradition, which is displayed on a poster board. And then every week we tie those themes or teachings to games, or art projects, or quality kids stories (not necessarily religious in nature), often using the theater screen to our advantage for TV episodes, movies, or YouTube read alouds. (In our experience, the deepest conversations about life with our kids happen after engaging really good stories.)


During our Kids Church times, children draw pictures inspired by the stories and themes we’re engaging, and those pictures become the decorations on our poster boards, so the space has visual reminders of our themes and the kids interpretations. Every week also includes group games, and ends with a prayer/breathing practice.

If you have questions about specific needs for you family (allergies, accessibility, etc.) before joining us for your first time, we would be so happy to hear from you.