Music & Worship led by Vince Brackett, Ben Pavlik, Angela Rak
Set List
Eyes to the Sky - Joseph //
My God has a telephone - Good Shepherd Collective //
Brother Sun - Liz Vice //
The Greatest Commandment - The Porter’s Gate //
Music & Worship led by Vince Brackett, Ben Pavlik, Angela Rak
Set List
Eyes to the Sky - Joseph //
My God has a telephone - Good Shepherd Collective //
Brother Sun - Liz Vice //
The Greatest Commandment - The Porter’s Gate //
Music & Worship led by Teel Short, Rebecca Janvrin
Set List
Just a Closer Walk with Thee - Spiritual //
Bring in the year of Jubilee (Psalm 37) - The Porter’s Gate, Taylor Leonhardt, Jessica Fox //
Instrument of Peace - Porter's Gate //
Come Away from Rush and Hurry - Marva Dawn //
Music & Worship led by Teel Short
Set List
Wandering - Gungor //
You have me - Gungor //
Wounded Healer - Audrey Assad //
Nothing is wasted - David Bjorlin //
Music & Worship led by Vince & Keziah Brackett
Set List
Can anything anywhere hinder God’s love? - David Bjorlin //
Peace like a river - Good Shepherd Collective //
Goodness of God - Cece Winans //
Aaron’s Blessing - Fernando Ortega //
Music & Worship led by Teel Short
Set List
You have me - Gungor //
Open up - The Brilliance //
Sweet River - Gungor //
Wounded Healer - Audrey Assad //
Music & Worship led by Teel Short, Vince Brackett
Set List
Jesus (Can you help me now?) - Amos Lee //
If Love’s First Act is to Listen - Good Shepherd Collective //
Praise to the Lord our Great Mother - Keziah & Vincent Brackett, as adapted from Joachim Neander //
Nothing is wasted - David Bjorlin //
Music & Worship led by Teel Short
Set List
Praise to the Lord our Great Mother - Keziah & Vincent Brackett, as adapted from Joachim Neander //
Higher - Gungor //
Gravity of Love - The Brilliance //
If I can help somebody - Alma Adrozzo, as arr. by Teel Short //
Music & Worship led by Teel Short
Set List
Wandering - Gungor //
Deliverer - Audrey Assad //
Bring in the year of jubilee - The Porter’s Gate //
If I can help somebody - Alma Adrozzo, as arr. by Teel Short //
Music & Worship led by Teel Short
Set List
Come away from rush and hurry - Hymn as arranged by Marva Dawn //
Open up - The Brilliance //
Island - Audrey Assad //
Instrument of Peace - The Porter’s Gate //
Music & Worship led by Teel Short
Set List
Sweet River - Gungor //
Establish the work of our hands - The Porter’s Gate //
Love’s first act is to listen - Good Shepherd Collective //
Open up - The Brilliance //
Music & Worship led by Teel Short, Vince & Keziah Brackett
Set List
Lo how a rose e’er blooming • 15th century german carol //
Put the lights on the tree • Sufjan Stevens //
Joy to the world • Isaac Watts, George Frederic Handel //
O come, O come Emmanuel • Traditional //
Once in Royal David’s City • C.F. Alexander • arr. by Sufjan Stevens //
Silent Night • Joseph Mohr, John Freeman Young, Franz Xaver Gruber //
Scatter the Proud (Mary’s Protest Song)• Vince Brackett • 2023 //
O Holy Night • A. Charles Adam, C. de Roquemaure, J. S. Dwight //
Angels We Have Heard On High • James Chadwick //
Music & Worship led by Teel Short
Set List
If Love’s First Act is to Listen - Good Shepherd Collective //
Scatter the Proud (Mary’s Song) - as arranged by Vince Brackett //
Joy to the world - as arranged by Sufjan Stevens //
O Come O Come Emmanuel - Traditional //
Music & Worship led by Teel Short
Set List
Come thou fount of every blessing - Hymn //
When Pharaoh came for children - David Bjorlin, as arranged by V. Brackett //
O come all ye faithful - Traditional //
O come o come Emmanuel - Traditional //
Music & Worship led by Teel Short and band
Set List
Bread and wine - Josh Garrells //
Jesus can you help me now? - Amos Lee //
Island - Audrey Assad //
Bring in the year of jubilee - The Porter’s Gate //
Music & Worship led by Vince Brackett
Set List
Shiloh - Audrey Assad //
Aaron’s blessing - as arr. by Fernando Ortega //
Savior like a shepherd lead us - Hymn, w/ lyric revisions by V. Brackett //
Can anything anywhere hinder God’s love? - David Bjorlin //
The Joy of the lord is my strength - Audrey Assad //
Music & Worship led by Angela Rak, Hayley Larson, Vince Brackett, Keziah Brackett, Teel Short
Set List
All is not lost - The Brilliance //
Your peace will make us one - Audrey Assad //
All shall be well (Julian of Norwich’s prayer) - Vince Brackett //
Precious Lord - Thomas A Dorsey //
Jesus (Can you help me now?) - Amos Lee //
Higher - Gungor //
Baby hold on - Liz Vice //
Instrument of peace - The Porter’s Gate //
Music & Worship led by Teel Short
Set List
Bring in the year of jubilee - The Porter’s Gate //
Deliverer - Audrey Assad //
Higher - Gungor //
Establish the work of our hands - The Porter’s Gate //
Music & Worship led by Teel Short
Set List
Broken - Chris Martin //
I Want Jesus To Walk With Me - African American Spiritual //
I Don't Feel No Ways Tired - James Cleveland //
All is Not Lost - The Brilliance //
Sunset Boulevard Expedition - Leif Vollebekk //
Music & Worship led by Teel Short
Set List
Gravity of love - The Brilliance //
Island - Audrey Assad //
I Then Shall Live - David Phelps, Gloria Gaither, as arr. by Teel Short //
Bread & Wine - Josh Garrels //
Music & Worship led by Vince Brackett
Set List
I Then Shall Live - David Phelps, Gloria Gaither, as arr. by Teel Short //
Aaron’s Blessing - Fernando Ortega //
New Every Morning - The Porter’s Gate //
Baby Hold On - Liz Vice //