If you want to be able to fight injustice and experience hope, resilience, and joy in spite of it, you need a faith and a God that are acquainted with suffering and oppression. Continuing our series “God of the Oppressed”, we learned this week from BLC’s Barbara Cunningham about oppression and the God who responds to it from a Chilean perspective -- a story of dictatorship, political suppression, and being told what and how to think.
Read MoreIn honor of the weekend many would have been participating in Chicago’s Pride Parade if not for COVID-19, Rebecca Janvrin joins Vince & Kyle to discuss queer insights on God and faith. This kicks off our new series of discussion: God of the Oppressed. We’ll be immersing ourselves, one at a time, in various different marginalized perspectives on Jesus and faith and the Bible. Really, we can’t come to a proper theology and understanding of Jesus at all if we’re not trying to do that from marginalized perspectives, because Jesus was a marginalized person.
Read MoreWhat are your personal next steps toward anti-racism? Should you expand your quarantine circle? For our individualized questions when there is no one-size-fits-all wisdom, we’re big believers in listening to God for in-the-moment guidance. But, often in religious settings, glib or unexamined references to “hearing God” make many feel deficient (when they’re really not) or feel like “that’s for other people but not me”. Kyle, Vince, and Christina try to cut through that…
Read MoreIf we use oral health & hygiene as an analogy, becoming anti-racist isn’t taking your tonsils out, it’s brushing your teeth — we have to commit to ongoing, everyday work.
Read MoreHayley, Kyle, and Vince discuss “shoulds” and false “right” pictures of community, American metaphors vs New Testament metaphors for community, practical ways to do community right now in the midst of shelter-in-place, and obscure references from the show Friends.
Read MoreContinuing his series on becoming all we’re meant to, Vince shares how embracing the risks of journeying through Jesus’ Kingdom of God brings healing to our un-dealt with pain by unpacking the theology of the movie Moana, how Moana is a Christ figure, and how we are all Te Ka.
Read MoreJust like our favorite fantasy stories and myths, Jesus’ message of the “Kingdom of God” is an invitation to us to leave our ordinary worlds, and step into a bigger reality that is outside our comfort zone and includes threats and danger, BUT will transform us into all we’re meant to be if we stay the course.
Read MoreKyle takes us to some familial conflict from the life of Jesus, and suggests some ways we can learn from and experience healing from the God who knows what it's like to come from a family.
Read MoreBecause Jesus understood in a deep way where he came from, he was able to be creative about where he was going - incorporating the good of his tradition and also departing from or reimagining his tradition when it ran counter to what he knew of God's heart for humanity. Kyle reflects on how Jesus has led him in his own version of such a journey.
Read MoreEven though he didn’t grow up spiritual, Vince found himself experiencing faith in a powerful way as he reached college age. But he slowly started to feel like a cultural outsider in churches. That led to some tension… until he discovered a new way to think about faith.
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