Humility & Self-Worth

In so many ways, life is found in tensions. In holding together two things that seem to be opposed to one another, but actually need one another. One that strikes us lately is the tension between humility and self-worth: Being quick to admit we’re wrong or that we need help, but also boldly believing we are NOT our worst mistakes or victimizations; we are fundamentally worthy of love from God and from other people. Kyle and Vince talk about how to hold the tension.

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What would be most life-giving?

When faced with a social anxiety, our first assessment is usually: will I feel comfortable? But when we stay attentive, a second assessment emerges in us: what would be most life-giving? That can feel overwhelming to have to answer on our own, but if we are perceiving a loving God with us in the process it can feel freeing.

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Rethink Power

Hayley Larson and Vince Brackett are suspicious of the way "power" is usually understood in religious settings. It can seem to evoke hierarchy, colonization, white supremacy, and a cold, removed God. But what is power if we start with the person and teaching of Jesus?

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God is in your new realizations

What’s the most spiritual thing you did in the last year? Chances are you have images of prayer or meditation or reading the Bible coming to mind. Those are great, but what about the last powerful new realization you came to? When you learned something, or discovered a new perspective, or changed your mind. Hayley wonders if God is in those experiences as much as anything in life…

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God in all things (week 1)

Maybe you’re already doing a lot of the practices and behaviors and reflections you need to in order to experience deep connection with God, but you’re just not calling those things “connecting with God”. What if the opportunity to feel spiritual enjoyment, health, purpose, aliveness, and hope (even in the midst of despair or injustice) is closer than you think? Kyle kicks off our new series...

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