Embracing Woundedness - Hayley Larson

No one goes through life unscathed. According to the Jesus tradition, not even God. (More than that, especially not God!) What a paradoxical but welcome message! God is not distant and removed from pain, God empathizes with us in our wounds. On this second Sunday of Lent, Hayley encourages us toward the healing in embracing our woundedness. (Art by Gloria Ssali)

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How observing Lent might help you this year - Kyle Hanawalt

(We experienced technical difficulties this week, please forgive the poor audio quality!)

The yearly rhythm of observing Lent (which began this week) gets us considering how "death and resurrection" or "loss and renewal" are the shape of life. After nearly a year of pandemic life, none of us have to be reminded that death and loss are a part of life. Kyle wonders if that means observing Lent might be particularly good for our souls this year.

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