Posts in Psalms
Remembrance Sunday 2018 - Kyle Hanawalt

Kyle leads us in remembering loved ones lost by people in our community over the last year, sharing about his own recent loss, and about how a “This American Life” episode following a mother who lost her daughter in the Aurora, CO movie theater shooting has helped him experience Jesus’ comfort.

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3 Perspectives on the Relationship Between Faith & Politics - Vince Brackett

The American Religious Right’s conflation of faith and partisan politics has been bad for the country and for faith... But, while Vince used to feel the best response to that was to strive to pursue an politically neutral faith (“both sides are equally bad/good when it comes to the model of Jesus”), he now feels that to be just as unsatisfactory... so what now?

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Enjoying Faith Conversations - Kyle Hanawalt

Kyle explains from personal experience how conversations about faith, God, or meaning can get very ugly, and how wanting to avoid such conversations like the plague is a very reasonable thing. But he also describes discovering a different, good version of faith conversation, and encourages us to push through the discomfort of going deep with people so we can enjoy and be changed by them.

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Humility And Its Gifts - Vince Brackett

Arrogance and unteachable-ness are often right at home in religious settings. To protect against this, "humility" is our number one value at BLV. Even though humility means hits to our egos, in Vince's experience, it has given and continues to give gift after gift to him personally. So what does it actually mean or look like for a community or an individual to prioritize humility?

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7 Ways To Transform Your Stress, So You Don't Transmit It - Vince Brackett

In our experience, setting aside questions of IN vs. OUT doesn't make following Jesus matter less, it makes following Jesus matter more. We are freed up to focus on what life is truly about, like our topic this week: growing up, not just old -- becoming mature, grounded people who healthily process their stresses and pains, rather than pass them on to others.

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