A day in the life of BLV pastor Kyle Hanawalt, in which he realizes that God (brilliantly) wants to give him peace before giving him guidance. How? Through conversational prayer.
Read MoreLearning from the ahead-of-their-time progressivesness of the earliest church feasts and 12 practical ways to live out and enjoy the resurrection of Jesus
Read MoreIn his day, Jesus took aim at the Pharisees, who inflamed contentious attitudes through their removed analysis of society and their focus on holding the right opinions. The draw toward such attitudes is in us all, but Jesus modeled engagement with people that can break the power of those attitudes in us.
Read MoreStory can help us follow the model of Jesus by encouraging us to put ourselves in the shoes of someone not like us (particularly those of the needy or outcasted).
Read MoreWhether it's the pull of social media, like Pinterest or Facebook, or it's an inner drive to be a contrarian against the mainstream, we all exhaust ourselves by going through the opinions others have of our image so we can feel valuable. Is there a more direct, effective way to feel innately valuable?
Read MoreJesus can help us find that hard-to-strike balance between honoring and differentiating from our families of origins
Read MoreIf faith has anything special to offer life, hasn't there GOT to be some supernatural, mysterious, “bigger-than-me” element to faith that I can’t explain or control.
Read MoreHow it looks and feels to hear God's voice in the mundane, and how incredibly life-changing and full-of-opportunity it can be.
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