We need a calm space to process and pray after the election results... maybe you do too? The Psalms are beautifully helpful and consoling, as they point us to a far greater power than the President of the United States
Read MoreOn the chance that you might appreciate some suggestions about how to pray after a tragedy like the Orlando shooting, Vince passes on what's helping him right now as he processes his emotions and grief.
Read MoreWhen we've come to believe toxic things like "I'm on my own; friends will turn on me," Jesus has refreshing and smart suggestions on how we might change our minds.
Read MoreA day in the life of BLV pastor Kyle Hanawalt, in which he realizes that God (brilliantly) wants to give him peace before giving him guidance. How? Through conversational prayer.
Read MoreWe are fully alive when we're honest about our truth, not living in denial. King David's psalms model for us a prayer life of unflinching honesty. If we're thinking it (even if it's untidy or irreverent), God knows, so we might as well express it in prayer...
Read MoreExploring the intersection of Christopher Nolan's movie Interstellar (2014), the Psalms, and the wonder expressed by John the Apostle. "Love isn't something we invented. It's observable. Powerful. That has to mean something..."
Read MoreWhether it's the pull of social media, like Pinterest or Facebook, or it's an inner drive to be a contrarian against the mainstream, we all exhaust ourselves by going through the opinions others have of our image so we can feel valuable. Is there a more direct, effective way to feel innately valuable?
Read MoreIdentity is: "I am who I am because..." Like, I am who I am because of the celebrity figures, symbols, and ideals I put my trust in. But these things are fragile and can often crumble without warning. Might Jesus offer a more resilient alternative?
Read MoreHow it looks and feels to hear God's voice in the mundane, and how incredibly life-changing and full-of-opportunity it can be.
Read MoreLiving without fear doesn't really seem to be a legitimate possibility... But can God offer help in the midst of whatever fears we have, so that those fears don't drive us and our decision making?
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